“A dream that is not understood remains a mere occurrence; understood it becomes a living experience.” –Carl Jung

Everybody dreams. Extensive scientific studies have shown that. But not everyone recalls their dreams. The major reason for this is in a society that is focused on material-rational  ways of seeing the world, dreams are not understood and sadly are not thought of as worthwhile. Twenty to thirty percent of scientists who actually work on dreams feel they have no psychological or spiritual value.

But the opposite is true.  In considering dream interpretation, the dreaming mind is literally a genius aspect of self that is implanted to support us in profound ways, emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually. Why it works the way it does, using an incredibly  sophisticated symbolic language, is a mystery, but that’s how they work.

We have learned that dreams seem to be a “processing mechanism”, a sort of daily “clearing house” for the body and psyche. ” But more importantly, we have learned that this genius aspect of self seeks to reveal to us in symbolic language the deepest truths of how we are feeling thinking, and responding to events, circumstances and people in our waking life. To have this knowledge is invaluable once we “crack the code,, learn how to properly interpret dreams.

But more importantly. the dreaming mind appears to have an intelligence and this intelligence is always wanting to help us. It knows everything about us, and uses that knowledge to work toward resolving outstanding issues, providing guidance toward that resolution and wanting to help the self integrate to wholeness. Carl Jung called this aspect of dreams “compensatory dreams”, dreams that desire to correct imbalances in the  psyche that get expressed in the conscious mind. Jung even  labeled the ending of such dreams  “lysis” or the solution phase where the dream provides direction as to where to look to heal unresolved issues.

This is the importance and essence of dream reading, dream interpretation. To understand our dreams is to unlock a treasure vault of unfathomable value. On this site, we will explore the many facets of these great jewels, which are with us  every day of our lives.

The images produced in dreams are much more picturesque and vivid than the concepts and experiences that are their waking counterparts. One of the reasons for this is that, in a dream, such concepts can express their unconscious meaning. In our conscious thoughts, we restrain ourselves within the limits of rational statements-statements that are much less colorful because we have stripped them of most of their psychic associations.” –Carl Jung