Intuition can develop in unusual ways. I became engaged in mystical spirituality in 1967 and was involved with a very high Eastern Guru for 20 years until he died. He came to me in a series of dreams over the years that could only be described as “Biblical” (level of Divine intensity in nature).
In 1975 I read Ann Faraday’s The Dream Game, a powerful book on dreams, what they were about, and how to interpret them, Something immediately clicked and from that moment, this gift and ability to help people interpret their dreams came forth, almost as a complete package. I would go to storytelling weekend and week long conferences and in the dorms people would come to me. We would look art a dream that baffled them or a dream that had puzzled them for years, and in 20 minutes we would unlock it. We were both amazed. They jokingly started calling me “Joseph” after the figure in the Bible who interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams. This gift has expanded and will be a primary focus of this website.
In 1988, after teaching in Early Childhood for years, I simultaneously began a career aa a performer-storyteller primarily for children, became a trainer of teachers for professional development for the state off Pa, and started lecturing at bookstores and other venues on metaphysics and mystical spiritual topics. I also began to focus on dreams, especially at library presentations throughout the area.
1992 was another seminal year for me as my intuition began to accelerate. This acceleration has only intensified, and although I always had interest in what might be termed “afterlife studies”, I did not start medium readings and coach around the topic until after 2000.
I have a gift to make “esoteric” things clear in communication both in work with individuals and in groups. I feel deeply blessed to help people find clarity and relieve suffering. If you look at my intuitive sub headings you will see I am adept at gaining clarity as to where one is on the journey so appropriate next steps can be taken, offer perspectives on what is called soul contracts, (how events in our lives were part of our own creation for learning), , mediumship messages from the other side, and above all, dream interpretation, at which I believe I am exceptional.
It seems whatever lens I use, some form of coaching-guidance comes through. I have an unusual intuitive ability and library like memory as a resource person to select the right modality, book, teaching, direction, etc that will be highly appropriate for the individual. So in addition to clarification, practical steps for movement and direction come through.
I believe there are individuals who need my particular skills As a wise person once said, “There is a voice for every ear and an ear for every voice”.